Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lets try again

Yes I know I only lasted almost a week last time I got in the exercise kick. It felt good and then wham just did not care anymore.

But my birthday is coming up in a little over two months. I want a good birthday this time. Lets just say my last several have sucked with the last year being the worse. So maybe I plan on doing something fun this year since it will land on a Friday.Make a weekend of it or something

So tomorrow maybe I will go to the store and buy some chicken and broccoli. And eat better. The last two weeks my eating had been bad and Ive been eating more fating food or just not eating. That is not a good thing. So work on the food and trying to wake up at a good time so that I can do some form of workout in the morning.

Motivation quote for the day:

“Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” - Unknown