Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Went walking this morning. Still trying to nail down a schedule to workout. Boss is good with me coming in later or leaving during the day. Would have done a class yesterday but coworker called in who does my job, so had to cancel that. Could have done a class today but it was a HIIT kind and I don't think I'm up for that yet. So I went walking instead. Only did 1.25 miles but it is a start. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Joined a fitness club

I saw one of the fitness places by me had PiYo so I looked into it. Seems they were looking for a few select people to be part of some year long program they are offering. One year free coaching, training and nutritional help. Just needed to be a member. So I put in my info and got a call back. Did a phone interview and was selected. I go in Tuesday for all the details, measurements and all that fun stuff. 
I did this so that I can be accountable to someone. I was thinking because I'm only accountable to myself and so far that hasn't worked that I need to try something new. They are going to do the whole before and after thing.

 Only thing I'm hesitant on is that it will be high impact classes they want me to do. Depending on how many classes they want me to do, site said two minimum, maybe I will do PiYo at home since that won't be one they want me to do and only offer at this location twice a week. Well as part of the program. I will learn more in a few days.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Better eating

I have not been exercising but I have been watching what I eat. Been doing salads and sandwiches so I will stop eating out so much. Haven't stop sodas though. Baby steps.