Monday, May 1, 2017

JM Day 1

So did 30 Day Shred Level 1. Well tried.

So weak! But I tried to keep moving even if that meant I was walking in place or doing slow high knees. Better then nothing.

Oh wow push ups. yeah they are a no go for me. Cant even go half way when on my knees. I lock out real quick. But second round I just did then on the wall standing up.Have to start somewhere!

My hip has gotten super tight. It is even hard to do yoga now. Its been a slow build but that is what I get for not going to the chiro like I should. I will be changing that this week. [on a day I think my truck will make it] My left lower back said screw you from the beginning. Doing the hip circles was um fun.

So lots of ice tonight and inversion table. I am just so tired of looking in the mirror or even just out of no where calling myself a fat cow. And lots of other things. Not helping my depression or self esteem. Did you know once you get to a size 10 in undies they all turn plain briefs? I have struggled to find boy shorts in my size. Probably need to go online and find them but I am picky about what I buy and like to see and feel them before I buy them. Not only that but I no longer think my ass is sexy. I need that sexy back!

I got this.. until tomorrow. I'm honest.

30 days of May

So slight challenge to myself to work out for the next 30 days. Whats a month?

Shall see.

Here is my plan:

Have several of Jillian Michaels DVDs. Going to start off with this plan so that I have variety. Doing the same thing over and over will make me to bored. I am also going to throw in some of her 6 week six-pack as well. So far not sure if I will do one or workouts a day. Even if it is one of her videos and walking. playing by ear. Will take measurements and photos one day this week when I have help. Joys of being single, no one to help you.