Monday, March 4, 2019

Silently losing weight - Noom

So for the past few months I have been silently slowly losing weight. I've gotten a few jobs where I move around more. Love it! Also bought a blendtec blender for smoothies. Lasted about a week before I slacked off.

But.... As my weight is slowly going down I get more motivated to lose more. I have been under 200 for two weeks now. I didn't believe my scale the first week. Well scale is doing the -/+ a few pounds but I would say that I am 200 pounds now instead of 215. I will take that!

I joined Noom a week ago. Doing the free 14 day trial. I don't believe in weighing myself everyday but I did it except on the weekend. Its no big deal to do first thing in the morning and I have accepted my weight a long time ago. Slightly annoying to log food when they do not have half of the things I eat so have to manually enter instead of just taking UPC scan.

So it seems that my big picture goal is: To lose enough weight and strengthen up enough that I am not in daily back pain. Why? Because I don't have to live in pain.

I picked last Friday(?) to have a small goal of just eating more fruits and veggies. So I will throw in a handful of spinach in my morning smoothies. That is my small goal this week: Daily smoothie again. I've lost weight doing this before and wasn't even trying to.

I have my binder for my calendar so that I can mark things on it. I was mostly using it to make sure I use my inversion table but I will start adding my mini goals to it.

I probably wont continue on Noom. I don't have $150 for a 6-month plan right now. It does teach good things though. I like the daily reading and quiz it gives you.

Just thought I should write something. Really wish the blogger app was still available on iphone. Would make it easier.