Friday, October 7, 2016

Core work

Doing core work with cramps. Yeah talk about fun! Thankfully yoga core for beginners wasn't too bad. Now I'm going to go curl up and relax. Ouch! But yoga so far every night though I didn't want to last night or tonight but once my set time rolled around I got up and did it. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 2

Birthday is 4 months away. I promised myself almost two years ago I'd lose the weight. Ha only gained more. 

Anyways I signed up for DailyBurn yesterday. I am starting with beginners yoga for now. Been having rib issues so I need to ease into it. Did a video yesterday was pretty easy since it was just sun salutation which I am very familiar with. Just a lot of holding down dog which my neck and shoulders frowned on. Hey month of August I did that and a few other exercises DAILY for three weeks straight. Then the rib dislocated. Yeah no yoga with that! 
 Today I did a 33 minute video. More leg and core work. Was only able to do two of three rounds but did the rest even with modes. 
 Now it is read with ice on lower back and shoulders-neck before I pass out.