Monday, March 4, 2019

Silently losing weight - Noom

So for the past few months I have been silently slowly losing weight. I've gotten a few jobs where I move around more. Love it! Also bought a blendtec blender for smoothies. Lasted about a week before I slacked off.

But.... As my weight is slowly going down I get more motivated to lose more. I have been under 200 for two weeks now. I didn't believe my scale the first week. Well scale is doing the -/+ a few pounds but I would say that I am 200 pounds now instead of 215. I will take that!

I joined Noom a week ago. Doing the free 14 day trial. I don't believe in weighing myself everyday but I did it except on the weekend. Its no big deal to do first thing in the morning and I have accepted my weight a long time ago. Slightly annoying to log food when they do not have half of the things I eat so have to manually enter instead of just taking UPC scan.

So it seems that my big picture goal is: To lose enough weight and strengthen up enough that I am not in daily back pain. Why? Because I don't have to live in pain.

I picked last Friday(?) to have a small goal of just eating more fruits and veggies. So I will throw in a handful of spinach in my morning smoothies. That is my small goal this week: Daily smoothie again. I've lost weight doing this before and wasn't even trying to.

I have my binder for my calendar so that I can mark things on it. I was mostly using it to make sure I use my inversion table but I will start adding my mini goals to it.

I probably wont continue on Noom. I don't have $150 for a 6-month plan right now. It does teach good things though. I like the daily reading and quiz it gives you.

Just thought I should write something. Really wish the blogger app was still available on iphone. Would make it easier.

Monday, May 1, 2017

JM Day 1

So did 30 Day Shred Level 1. Well tried.

So weak! But I tried to keep moving even if that meant I was walking in place or doing slow high knees. Better then nothing.

Oh wow push ups. yeah they are a no go for me. Cant even go half way when on my knees. I lock out real quick. But second round I just did then on the wall standing up.Have to start somewhere!

My hip has gotten super tight. It is even hard to do yoga now. Its been a slow build but that is what I get for not going to the chiro like I should. I will be changing that this week. [on a day I think my truck will make it] My left lower back said screw you from the beginning. Doing the hip circles was um fun.

So lots of ice tonight and inversion table. I am just so tired of looking in the mirror or even just out of no where calling myself a fat cow. And lots of other things. Not helping my depression or self esteem. Did you know once you get to a size 10 in undies they all turn plain briefs? I have struggled to find boy shorts in my size. Probably need to go online and find them but I am picky about what I buy and like to see and feel them before I buy them. Not only that but I no longer think my ass is sexy. I need that sexy back!

I got this.. until tomorrow. I'm honest.

30 days of May

So slight challenge to myself to work out for the next 30 days. Whats a month?

Shall see.

Here is my plan:

Have several of Jillian Michaels DVDs. Going to start off with this plan so that I have variety. Doing the same thing over and over will make me to bored. I am also going to throw in some of her 6 week six-pack as well. So far not sure if I will do one or workouts a day. Even if it is one of her videos and walking. playing by ear. Will take measurements and photos one day this week when I have help. Joys of being single, no one to help you.

Monday, April 3, 2017

No leg muscles!

I have never enjoyed doing squats or lunges. Kills the knees. Well at this point it cant kill the knees if its the muscles that are struggling now. Trying to do walking lunges is so funny when I try not to wobble. Hey at least the workout had me laughing at myself and downing a ton of water.

So today I decided to start BBG. Have had it for almost a year and just never did it. So told myself last week that I would start this week. And I did. I am doing the pre-training as I know I need it!

Today I only made it through one circuit of each. I did not go back for round two. At that point I could barely stand as I did not short the workout. I could have not gone down as far on the squats and lunges but even with what I did was barely half of one. I know my leg muscles are weak.

So will work it and just keep on going.

Bikini Body Guide - Kayla Itsines

Bought a Fitbit Charge HR about two weeks. First day I forgot to put it on this morning. Thought about putting it one before I worked out but I was not going to let myself get distracted. Go figure, dont get to see what my HR was during the workout. Ha.

Oh yeah. Did the workout even though my lower back and spine had been hella painful all day. Leg is still tingly but so far so good!! Could have used it has an excuse but I didn't.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Core work

Doing core work with cramps. Yeah talk about fun! Thankfully yoga core for beginners wasn't too bad. Now I'm going to go curl up and relax. Ouch! But yoga so far every night though I didn't want to last night or tonight but once my set time rolled around I got up and did it. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 2

Birthday is 4 months away. I promised myself almost two years ago I'd lose the weight. Ha only gained more. 

Anyways I signed up for DailyBurn yesterday. I am starting with beginners yoga for now. Been having rib issues so I need to ease into it. Did a video yesterday was pretty easy since it was just sun salutation which I am very familiar with. Just a lot of holding down dog which my neck and shoulders frowned on. Hey month of August I did that and a few other exercises DAILY for three weeks straight. Then the rib dislocated. Yeah no yoga with that! 
 Today I did a 33 minute video. More leg and core work. Was only able to do two of three rounds but did the rest even with modes. 
 Now it is read with ice on lower back and shoulders-neck before I pass out. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

9 weeks until TPF

It's been two years since I've been at my smallest. I've gotten engaged, been rear ended in my car, gained all my weight back, got depressed, called off the engagement, let life seriously stress me out, gained more weight then I've ever had before, could care less about something's in life, so tired of saying ugly things to myself which I've never done before. 
That about sums all that up. It's been an interesting two years and that doesn't even include the year before that, that was totally emotional!

I'm so tired of not looking in the mirror. I've never been a vain girl and spent time in front of a mirror. It's always just been something to do quick glances at to check to make sure nothing crazy is going on with me. (I'm a no make up, natural is awesome kind of girl, including the crazy frizzy curly hair). But for the last several months I can be very mean to myself when I do my quick glance. I ignore the mirror now. Been ignoring it for a long time but the self verbal abuse is more new. 

Anyways I am ready to quit that. Which means the weight must go. So since I will be going to TPF again I thought I might as well see if in the next two months I can get down to the jeans I had bought for the last time. Size 14. I'm just curious if I can. It is NOT the goal. Right now I am a tight 18 but loose 20, have not had to buy a pair yet in that size. 

I have given myself permission to get a little obsessed with healthier eating and working out. Just blast myself the next two months. What's the worse that can happen? I quit? That's nothing new. Have pain from working out? Hell I'm in daily pain cause of this weight! I get sexy? Bring it! I actually want sex? I'd enjoy having that interest back! 

So need to pass out now that that I can have energy to get up and workout instead of doing it when I get home. 

Another one bites the dust. Haha.