Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Bikini Series

Tuesday. I did the video. Man does my face get RED when I work out. Crazy. My arms are pleasantly sore from yesterday!

Wednesday. Wow sore in a very good way. My joints arent so sure about all this. Skipped the exercise :( Just didnt feel up to doing it. Sinuses are kicking my butt! Oh the back of my thighs you are burning so good every time I move.

Thursday. Did the video but only once. Felt I might have been able to do another so that I could get some cardio time in but I didn't. Well watching the videos I had to go my pace. Maybe one day I will be as fast as they are. And had to mod a few. As my MRI showed I have no good muscles in my lower back supporting my spine around the herniated discs. Its just black. I need to start working them so that they come back and help support me.

It is fun to try to juggle work, a boyfriend, and working out. It is a challenge that I am liking.

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