Monday, July 27, 2015

PiYo plus Total Gym?

I put off a week thinking a family member would be starting this week and we could do it together. Yeah not sure she will be doing so. 

Anyways I was thinking I could start the day off with a quick Total Gym workout using the 6-8 minute videos, that way I could get some weight training as well. Good way to get the blood going for the day you know? Shall see!

I really need to get on the healthy eating. Okay I just need to start making my food again like I used too. The cooking and baking still hasn't come back from the depression year I've had. I want to but just not enough to get up and do it. 

Yes in the last year I have been fighting with some good depression. My weight I've noticed spiked during this time because I just didn't care. But now I do care and I want to do something about it. 

I do need to sit down and write out why I want to get in better shape. I have a lot of blank wall space I do believe I will turn into a motivational wall. That has helped before!

So here is to another week may it be better than the last. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Heat headache

I don't have ac in my vehicle so sometimes I over heat on the way home from work. As the evening moved on the headache has gotten worse. I didn't want to work out and make it worse. So today will be my rest day and not Friday. I'm going to call it a day now. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lower body day

I am so relaxed but muscles are shaky at the same time. It is a very nice feeling. I am doing the workouts at night for now. That way I can do shower and fall into bed. Will see how that works since currently I am having issues getting up at my normal time right now. 

Day two of PiYo is Define lower body. Really need to get a yoga mat or something. I pieced together the square block exercise mat that I already have to make a long mat. Kept coming apart. Tomorrow I will either get a yoga mat or bring some really strong tape home with me. It's a good thick mat and that helped with my knees and wrists. So even with a yoga mat I'd still probably want to use it. I used to do yoga before bed and this reminded me of that but kicked up a few notches. Not surprised that my right hip and shoulder got the most tired and sore. 

I definitely have some work to do. I struggled going along with the video I will admit. But I know I will build up the strength and get better!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Been a year... not surprised

Ha another year has gone by. What has happened in this last year? Oh another 20 pounds. Gained.

Body pain? Oh it used to be at tops around a 5 and not daily. Now... oh yeah daily 5-8. Knees and lower back.

I've never been this heavy before. Its interesting, that's all I can say. Well I can say I am sick of it!

So to get to the top of my BMI range I'd have to lose about 70 pounds. I did the math on that today and it blew my mind!! But then to me it has never been about that number. It is more about how I feel and how I perceive myself when I look in the mirror. And lately that mirror and my clothes have not been my friends. I am out growing my fat clothes as I call them.

So my solution for now....

PiYo by BeachBody

"PiYo isn't like standard Pilates and yoga classes that make you hold long, intense poses, or lead you through dozens of repetitive, microscopic core movements. PiYo speeds everything up—including your results—by introducing you to dynamic, flowing sequences that can burn serious calories at the same time as they lengthen and tone your muscles and increase your flexibility.
With every action-packed PiYo session, you can burn excess fat and sculpt and define your whole body, as you minimize the aches and pains that can come along with high-impact workouts. No matter your age, no matter your body type, PiYo will help give you dramatically visible, incredibly beautiful results."

Did day one which is a video explaining the moves and the correct alignment of the body.

All my joints are not going to like this but I know it will get easier with time.

I am also going to start using my Eating for life by Bill Phillips book again. Do love the recipes. I have done it a few times and if I stick to it then I always lost 2 pounds a week without exercise, just food alone.

At the end of PiYo you get a free shirt. I want that shirt!!!