Monday, July 27, 2015

PiYo plus Total Gym?

I put off a week thinking a family member would be starting this week and we could do it together. Yeah not sure she will be doing so. 

Anyways I was thinking I could start the day off with a quick Total Gym workout using the 6-8 minute videos, that way I could get some weight training as well. Good way to get the blood going for the day you know? Shall see!

I really need to get on the healthy eating. Okay I just need to start making my food again like I used too. The cooking and baking still hasn't come back from the depression year I've had. I want to but just not enough to get up and do it. 

Yes in the last year I have been fighting with some good depression. My weight I've noticed spiked during this time because I just didn't care. But now I do care and I want to do something about it. 

I do need to sit down and write out why I want to get in better shape. I have a lot of blank wall space I do believe I will turn into a motivational wall. That has helped before!

So here is to another week may it be better than the last. 

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