Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lets try again

Yes I know I only lasted almost a week last time I got in the exercise kick. It felt good and then wham just did not care anymore.

But my birthday is coming up in a little over two months. I want a good birthday this time. Lets just say my last several have sucked with the last year being the worse. So maybe I plan on doing something fun this year since it will land on a Friday.Make a weekend of it or something

So tomorrow maybe I will go to the store and buy some chicken and broccoli. And eat better. The last two weeks my eating had been bad and Ive been eating more fating food or just not eating. That is not a good thing. So work on the food and trying to wake up at a good time so that I can do some form of workout in the morning.

Motivation quote for the day:

“Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” - Unknown

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 5, 6, and 7

I had to take a break! My lower back really kicked in and made me very uncomfortable.

Today I was going through my videos and seeing what I can do. Found some good ones for next week. Should be fun. I am still trying to eat right and only have one soda a day if that.Still trying to get my good mental state back where it was last week.

I need to this week get 'before' pictures and measurements. Maybe later today I will do a video.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 4: 10 Minute Solution, Stretch

Woke up just feeling empty. Didn't go to work. Took a 5 hour nap. But I knew I would still do some kind of workout if nothing else today.

So I did tonight the Ballet and Yoga parts of 10 minute Solution and then I did the Slim in 6 Slim and limber. Wow my legs did not like some of those moves. They are still tender from Monday, my ankle didnt like some of the ballet moves either.

Now time to do inversion table, shower and go to bed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3: 30 Day Shred

A hot bath seriously helped with the legs. They were a little better today than they were yesterday. I really need to start turning out the light at midnight again. I slept until 830 and felt rushed to workout then go to work. I don't have set hours at work but I still like to be there at 10.

I did level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. True I didn't jump the butt kicks like I should have but I was really aware of how much the floor was moving with all my movements. (Joy of the third floor) So instead I put my hands on my butt and made sure that my feet hit them as I stood there. I did have to do half moves with the combos when it became too much. Sometimes only do the legs and rest arms or vice versa. 20 minutes seemed kind of short but I was panting at the end and felt like I did a good workout.

Maybe tonight I will do some abs and stretching. My lower back was not happy with me during some of the exercises but I worked though it or modified what I was doing. It has been very tender all day but I am keeping a feel on it, will do the hot bath and ice again tonight.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 2: Yoga, 10 Minute Solution

Oh legs are sore! It was fun walking down the stairs to walk my dog this morning. And the rest of the day!

I was short on time this morning so I did the yoga section of a 10 minute Solution tape I have.  I did a minute of the ab routine from Slim in 6 but my abs said NO so I stopped knowing I will push tomorrow. 

I love my reaction to the pain in my legs. The more it hurts the bigger I smile and laugh. Think I will take a nice hot soak in the tub tonight.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 1: Slim in 6

Got up today and said lets pick an exercise program and do it. So since Ive done it before I picked Slim in 6, week 1, Start it up.
I have her set on tape. I mean the old fashion VCR tape. I bought this program probably about
a year after it came out. LONG time ago. Ive started it now and then but never got past week 4 I believe. I know it will be a good way to get my body moving and just get started. So maybe I will stick with this for a week.

Man I remember why I don't like to do cardio. I get light headed so easy trying to breath with the moves. I have asthma so I'm used to breathing a certain way. Going to have to get out of that habit. Normally I breath long and slow if I get in a rush. Certain pattern depending on what I'm doing. When doing weights though and having to inhale and exhale with EVERY move is different. It helps to breath that way but I'm not used to breathing that fast. Sure I will get the hang of it fast.

My body didn't do to bad. I was actually surprised that I lasted through the whole thing. True I had to take breaks for water, or walk in place as I caught my breath, or did a different move to help with a muscle spasm. I didn't do full force since I wanted to do every minute of it. Okay I admit I fast forwarded on half of the squat part. My right leg by then just was NOT having it. Due to an ankle injury years ago my muscle balance between the legs is way off. Because of the ankle pain I have switched to squatting down by always taking to the right knee, never letting my left knee pass my ankle. And always using my left leg to get up so that thigh has all the power.

I had to put a towel under my knees when I had to be on them. Helped! My hands did not like the downward facing dog at all. I'm sure with time that will get better. I am keeping an eye out for hands swelling but so far they aren't that bad. Just a little stiff. Background: Last year at this time I could not make a fist with either hand. I could almost touch my fingers to my palm. I do believe I was still walking down the stairs BACKWARDS because of knee problems. I could maybe bend my knees so that they were almost to 90 degrees. You have no clue how great have it is to be able to do child's pose and almost have my butt touch my heels. I get a huge smile thinking about it! Have to be careful not to push that because I do know I can go backwards in the healing process.

Oh I was beet red when I was done! But I was smiling and happy.

Background. Goal: 2 months to be ready for Halloween.

Well woke up today and said today is the day to really start getting the body I want. At the beginning of the year I had lost 30 pounds since the year before. Just by cutting down on sodas, having only 2 a day, and having a smoothie for breakfast, which previously I skipped.

Almost nine months later and I am the same weight. 165. Well I'm doing the usual 158-163 as my usual weigh in range. But my clothes have not changed much. I'm still stuck between a 14 and 16. For some odd reason last week I decided that I need to do some awesome custom for Halloween this year. Last year I was a slave girl. This year I want a more skin showing outfit. Well something I can be proud to show my body off in.

So I have a little more than seven weeks to slim down a little. I'm not much of a weight watcher, more of a clothes fitter. But I do know that I want to be under 145 or so. That is a good weight for my height. Its at the high end but hey its what I weighed in high school and I was very happy with that. True my body shape wont be the same. That was 13 years ago.

Right now I am down to only having a soda every few days depending on my cycle and back to skipping breakfast. Ive tried getting back into the smoothie thing but just cant. End up with banana bread several times which has made my coworkers happy. So this previous weekend I picked a few things out of my Eating for Life cookbook and bought the food. I have done the EFL (from Body for Life; Bill Phillips) before with no exercise etc and lost two pounds a week. I only did five meals a day but I was never hungry and would almost have to make myself eat. I loved it! Now I just have to follow that instead of wasting the food.

Exercise wise I'm not sure what my plan is. Going to do that as a day to day thing. I do know I want to do yoga regularly. I have all kinds of tapes and a Total Gym. So maybe I will just pick something different every day or follow some plan for a period of time. More about getting off my butt and doing something.

I do have to watch what I do due to some health issues. I'm sure I will write more about them later as I go along but I have lower back, neck and knee issues that like to get in my way. I do need to make sure I do my inversion table more. That should help with the disc issues in lower back. 

I am hoping this will also help with my mental state. To say I've had an interesting year so far puts it mildly. I have dealt with depression since junior high if not even earlier. Its been pretty interesting this year. There are a few months that I really don't remember once that deep depression hit me. But I am beating it as I always do and I'm currently moving up. It still hits but the last few weeks I have actually wanted to go to work instead of giving in to the need to just sit on my couch staring outside or sleeping. I have been wanting to do things lately so here I go. I'm sure I will have my days where I say screw it but I'm hoping for not that many.

So here is my journey of adding exercise to my life and getting a slimmer body.