Monday, September 9, 2013

Background. Goal: 2 months to be ready for Halloween.

Well woke up today and said today is the day to really start getting the body I want. At the beginning of the year I had lost 30 pounds since the year before. Just by cutting down on sodas, having only 2 a day, and having a smoothie for breakfast, which previously I skipped.

Almost nine months later and I am the same weight. 165. Well I'm doing the usual 158-163 as my usual weigh in range. But my clothes have not changed much. I'm still stuck between a 14 and 16. For some odd reason last week I decided that I need to do some awesome custom for Halloween this year. Last year I was a slave girl. This year I want a more skin showing outfit. Well something I can be proud to show my body off in.

So I have a little more than seven weeks to slim down a little. I'm not much of a weight watcher, more of a clothes fitter. But I do know that I want to be under 145 or so. That is a good weight for my height. Its at the high end but hey its what I weighed in high school and I was very happy with that. True my body shape wont be the same. That was 13 years ago.

Right now I am down to only having a soda every few days depending on my cycle and back to skipping breakfast. Ive tried getting back into the smoothie thing but just cant. End up with banana bread several times which has made my coworkers happy. So this previous weekend I picked a few things out of my Eating for Life cookbook and bought the food. I have done the EFL (from Body for Life; Bill Phillips) before with no exercise etc and lost two pounds a week. I only did five meals a day but I was never hungry and would almost have to make myself eat. I loved it! Now I just have to follow that instead of wasting the food.

Exercise wise I'm not sure what my plan is. Going to do that as a day to day thing. I do know I want to do yoga regularly. I have all kinds of tapes and a Total Gym. So maybe I will just pick something different every day or follow some plan for a period of time. More about getting off my butt and doing something.

I do have to watch what I do due to some health issues. I'm sure I will write more about them later as I go along but I have lower back, neck and knee issues that like to get in my way. I do need to make sure I do my inversion table more. That should help with the disc issues in lower back. 

I am hoping this will also help with my mental state. To say I've had an interesting year so far puts it mildly. I have dealt with depression since junior high if not even earlier. Its been pretty interesting this year. There are a few months that I really don't remember once that deep depression hit me. But I am beating it as I always do and I'm currently moving up. It still hits but the last few weeks I have actually wanted to go to work instead of giving in to the need to just sit on my couch staring outside or sleeping. I have been wanting to do things lately so here I go. I'm sure I will have my days where I say screw it but I'm hoping for not that many.

So here is my journey of adding exercise to my life and getting a slimmer body.

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