Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3: 30 Day Shred

A hot bath seriously helped with the legs. They were a little better today than they were yesterday. I really need to start turning out the light at midnight again. I slept until 830 and felt rushed to workout then go to work. I don't have set hours at work but I still like to be there at 10.

I did level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. True I didn't jump the butt kicks like I should have but I was really aware of how much the floor was moving with all my movements. (Joy of the third floor) So instead I put my hands on my butt and made sure that my feet hit them as I stood there. I did have to do half moves with the combos when it became too much. Sometimes only do the legs and rest arms or vice versa. 20 minutes seemed kind of short but I was panting at the end and felt like I did a good workout.

Maybe tonight I will do some abs and stretching. My lower back was not happy with me during some of the exercises but I worked though it or modified what I was doing. It has been very tender all day but I am keeping a feel on it, will do the hot bath and ice again tonight.

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